
Roger Ebert draws attention to another "best movies of all time" list, this one by Spectator magazine. The top one on their list is one I haven't seen atop these lists before, The Night of the Hunter: Here's the top 12 from the list, and you can see the rest here.

1. The Night of the Hunter, Laughton

2. Apocalypse Now, Coppola

3. Sunrise, Murnau

4. Black Narcissus, Powell & Pressburger

5. L'avventura, Antonioni

6. The Searchers, Ford

7. The Magnificent Ambersons, Welles

8. The Seventh Seal , Bergman

9. L'atalante, Vigo

10. Rio Bravo, Hawks

11. The Godfather: Part I and Part II, Coppola

12. The Passion of Joan of Arc, Dreyer


The Times (UK) selects the 60 best novels of the last 60 years, with the twist that they could only choose one book published each year. This list is provocative in its mix of classics and more populist fare: on few lists will you see Twilight (as the best novel of 2005) sharing a podium with Lolita.