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Played in a simplified, run-first, dive-option read offense with very basic high-low reads. Worked exclusively out of the gun and was very quick to run at the first flash of coverage. Limited field vision — does not process the passing game. Inconsistent throwing mechanics with a flick delivery — generates all of his power from his upper-body strength and too often arms the ball. Streaky passer with spotty accuracy. Makes his receivers work hard and throws into coverage. Does not spin a tight spiral. Very disingenuous — has a fake smile, comes off as very scripted and has a selfish, me-first makeup. Always knows where the cameras are and plays to them. Has an enormous ego with a sense of entitlement that continually invites trouble and makes him believe he is above the law — does not command respect from teammates and always will struggle to win a locker room. Only a one-year producer. Lacks accountability, focus and trustworthiness — is not punctual, seeks shortcuts and sets a bad example. Immature and has had issues with authority. Not dependable.

And more:​

Can provide an initial spark, but will quickly be dissected and contained by NFL defensive coordinators, struggle to sustain success and will not prove worthy of an early investment. An overhyped, high-risk, high-reward selection with a glaring bust factor, Newton is sure to be drafted more highly than he should and could foreclose a risk-taking GM's job and taint a locker room.

​This is all from Pro Football Weekly's scouting report on Cam Newton from March 2011. Italics are mine, as the GM of the Carolina Panthers did get fired yesterday. And he's been leading the front pages of sports pages, like this one on the top of ESPN today, in articles that note that Newton "sometimes comes off as someone more concerned with his own performance than his team's record." Teammates Steve Smith has called him out for his attitude, "I told [Cam] 'You can get some mental reps or you can sit on that bench and sulk.'"

Just a long way of saying it took a year, but that Pro Football Weekly scouting report looks like it was spot on.​