Critics Round Up

For those for whom Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes are too inclusive of critics, there is a new movie review aggregator: Critics Round Up.  From its About page:

To provide an alternative to the aggregated numbers of more popular sites. Rotten Tomatoes is good for people who want to see the highest number of critics included, but standards need to be applied. Not everyone should be counted. Metacritic works for people who are mainly interested in well-known publications, but they ignore many of the best sources for film criticism because they aren’t as recognizable (no MUBI, no Cinema Scope, no more J. Hoberman since he left the Village Voice). My idea was to synthesize the approaches of these sites: to filter out the majority of the online discourse, but also to be plugged in enough to include smaller sites that have valuable things to say.

I seem to be in the target demo based on that description.

Here's the list of critics included. A lot of the movies I perused didn't differ in score too much between Metacritic and CRU, but it's interesting to find ones where there is a meaningful delta. CRU could do some work to make it easier to scan a list of movies and scores, but a quick glance revealed a few meaningful deltas. For example, CRU gives Spring Breakers an 84, much higher than Metacritic's 63. CRU also prefers Monsters University by a score of 77 to 64 and The Lone Ranger 48 to 37.

As always, it's at the margin, where we see the deltas, that I find meaningful information. I wish there was an easier way to just scan for movies where CRU diverges from Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes by some threshold.