
Does retweeting your own praise make you a monster? I know what Betteridge has to say about headlines, but if by monster you mean narcissist, then yes? And on the subject of narcissism, I find it rich that people take to Twitter to complain about the narcissism of selfie sticks and then you click through to their profile and they've tweeted something like 12,000 times. Okay.


A definitive history of fleek. Just when I was starting to work it into my language, it becomes passé. Damn you iHop.


The best rapper alive for every year since 1979 according to Complex. The first woman appears in the most recent year, 2014. Someone had to go make this list so everyone could post their outrage in the comment thread, and Complex was the one to accept this burden on behalf of humanity.


Is this the best board game on the planet? I have not played board games in years, but I'm going to get this and see if it rekindles my interest.


Maybe being physically cold actually does make you more susceptible to catching a cold. Grandma and mom were right, as usual.